Neighborhoods: Where Detroit Lives
Neighborhoods are the heart and soul of Detroit and they are changing. The neighborhoods are a rich mosaic each with their own history and personality. Time has brought change, understanding this change is key to understanding metropolitan Detroit. The Detroit Historical Society is endeavoring to capture each neighborhood’s unique story and to gain greater insight into Detroit’s past. Take part today to make sure your neighborhood is represented.
Help us save the history of this city and preserve what makes it special!
Every story matters and none are too small!
Here's how:
Using your phone, pad, laptop or desktop, record a 10-15 minute memory. Please address the questions below. That helps us with consistency.
If you do not want to share an audio recording with us, you can share your story by writing as well.
After you've looked over the questions, click below to share your story!
On the 'Contribute' page please select WRITTEN or RECORDED HISTORY.
Please include your preferred contact information in the 'Tell your story here' text box.
If you want your story to be a part of the collection, DO NOT select "Keep Identity Private". If you do, the Society will not use your contribution.
Share your story HERE!
Please Note:
This should be a memory of an event or a place, with details such as names and dates stated as clearly as possible. This should NOT be a recorded opinion related to a political or social issue – these will not be saved. Of course, opinions related to the event or place you are memorializing are fine, but they should not constitute the bulk of your narrative.
What is your name?
Please spell it.
Where and when were you born?
What neighborhood do you live in?
What do you see as your neighborhoods boundaries?
How long have you lived in your neighborhood?
What attracted you to that neighborhood?
In your own words, please describe your neighborhood.
Has the neighborhood changed in the time you've lived there? Is yes, how so?
What stores do you shop at?
What do you do in the community for fun?
Did you feel comfortable in your neighborhood?
AS you lived lived there, has your opinion about your neighborhood changed?
Have you ever thought about leaving the neighborhood?
What makes your neighborhood unique?
What does the term 'neighborhood' meant to you?
If you could do one thing in your neighborhood, what would it be and why?
If you've moved away:
Why did you decide to leave the neighborhood and why?
Do you ever visit your old neighborhood?
Material on this website is made available to researchers and students. If this material is used to produce a product (book, poem, movie, theatrical piece, etc.), permission must be obtained from the Detroit Historical Society.