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- Tags: Mayor Jerome Cavanagh
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James Peters, August 4th, 2017
In this interview, James Peters discusses growing up in the Detroit metropolitan area and his service in the National Guard during the events of July 1967.
Mary Jo Johnson, April 28th, 2017
In this interview, Johnson remembers her childhood growing up in Dearborn, Michigan and how her family’s view on racial relations did not align with the public views of that community. She mentions a letter her father wrote to the editor of the…
Dr. Tommie Johnson, September 22nd, 2016
In this interview, Johnson discusses growing up in Detroit and her experiences during both the 1943 and 1967 disturbances.
Bob Hynes, September 21st, 2016
In this interview, Hynes recalls his experience covering the unrest as a reporter for Channel 7 the day after the outbreak of the disturbance. He also discusses his interviews with local and state leaders in response to the unrest. Despite being…
Karl Mantyla, September 9th, 2016
In this interview, Mantyla discusses growing up in Detroit, the racial situation of 1967 and his feelings about Detroit today. Also, he speaks of his time as a reporter, focusing on the fatal shootings at the Algiers Motel in Detroit.
Tags: 1967 riot—Detroit—Michigan, 1968 World Series, Algiers Motel, Associated Press, Detroit Community Members, Detroit Free Press, Detroit News, Detroit Tigers, Governor George Romney, Kercheval Incident, Mayor Jerome Cavanagh, Michigan National Guard, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Recorder's Court - Detroit, White Flight
Henry Heatley, August 12th, 2016
Henry Heatley began working for the Bell Telephone Company when he was 18 years old. He worked throughout the week of July 23, 1967 and discusses the political climate then and now.
John Colling, August 31st, 2016
In this interview, Colling discusses growing up on the west side of Detroit and his experiences during his studies at Wayne State. Upon graduation, Colling was offered a job in the Public Relations Department in the city of Detroit and worked as a…
Ronald Acho, August 16th, 2016
In this interview, Acho discusses life as an immigrant in Detroit, as well as his extensive ties with Detroit's Chaldean community.
Hubert Locke, August 17th, 2016
In this interview, Locke discusses working his work at the Detroit Police Department during 1967. He also describes the tension between government and the department, along with frustration between citizens and the Detroit Police Department. Locke…
Arthur Divers, July 26th, 2016
In this interview, Arthur Divers describes what it was like living in his black community during the disturbance. He discusses the various businesses that existed before the disturbance, and how it has drastically changed the community since then. He…
Mary Allor, July 7th, 2016
In this interview, Allor describes her neighborhood growing up and her naivety with regards to the racial tensions in Detroit. She shares her memories of the unrest as she remembers them and discusses the future of the city.
James Boucher, June 29th, 2016
Boucher narrates the unrest from the experience of a commuter. He recalls taking the train from Ann Arbor to Detroit–where he worked at the National Bank of Detroit on Woodward–and noticing that the normally bustling finance district was deserted.…
Kathleen Straus, April 8th, 2016
In this interview, Straus discusses her first impressions of the Detroit area in the 1950's, her work in politics and as a community leader, and the changes she saw to her neighborhood both before and after the events of July 1967.
Maxine Jones, June 18th, 2016
In this interview, Jones remembers the feelings in the city during the events of the summer of 1967. Her sister gave birth a few days before the unrest began and they had to track down her brother-in-law who was missing. She discusses how that…
Berl Falbaum, April 21st, 2016
In this interview, Falbaum discusses his impressions when he first moved to Detroit, as well as his work covering Mayor Cavanagh's office during the summer of 1967.
Dr. Karl Gregory, September 1st, 2015
In this interview Dr. Karl Gregory discusses his time as an activist and educator in Detroit. Dr. Gregory covers the Northern High student walkout, the summer of 1967, the formation of New Detroit, and the Citywide Citizens Action Committee. He…
Tags: 1967 riot—Detroit—Michigan, Black Nationalism, Citywide Citizens Action Committee, Community Activists, Curfew, Detroit City Council, Detroit Police Department, Henry Ford II, Inner City Business Improvement Forum, Joseph Hudson, Kerner Commission, Mayor Jerome Cavanagh, New Detroit, Northern High School, Reverend Albert Cleage, Wayne State University
Bob Roselle, July 20th, 2015
In this interview, Roselle discusses being called into the mayor’s office to handle the civil response to the unrest, incidents that he saw and heard of, and his opinion on the response in general. He also discusses how the city has changed, what it…
Roman Gribbs, June 24th, 2015
In this interview, former Mayor of Detroit Roman Gribbs discusses his job as a traffic court referee for the City of Detroit during the 1967 civil disturbance and the legal and logistical issues stemming from mass arrests during the disturbance In…